What’s all the fuss about antioxidants? First they were thought to be bad for you but it turns out they are very good for you. They give your body many benefits like thinning your blood, stopping your arteries from getting clogged, helping with cholesterol and blood pressure, all which, help against many diseases like heart disease, heart attacks, strokes to name a few. Did you know you get antioxidants from fruit, grains, nuts,
juices, Moringa and many more sources. Did you know your body makes antioxidants?
There are amino acids, which your body gets from food such as Cysteine, that are great antioxidants.
But how important to your overall health are antioxidants? As you have read there are many great benefits from taking antioxidants but antioxidants are just one part of your total health. But due to there popularity lately, many people think that antioxidants is all you need to be healthy and this is not true. Amino acids are much more important for your overall health than antioxidants. Amino acids make all the cells, repair and build new muscle, help control almost every bodily function and help fight many illnesses and ailments. They have a much greater affect on your overall health than antioxidants. Not getting the right amount or combination of the amino acids you need is more detrimental to your body than not getting enough antioxidants. But if you get both your on your way to a much healthier body.
The truth is if a supplement contains too many fruit juices or extracts, it will be a very good source of antioxidants but it may also be over acidic which can have an adverse affect on you bodies PH. An out of wack PH can be more damaging to your body than getting an overabundance of antioxidants. When choosing any supplement, make sure it is balanced and does not contain too much of any thing. You know the old saying, “Too much of anything is not good for you”. Try to take a supplement that has antioxidants, amino acids, immune building and antibacterial properties, which is considered a more balanced supplement.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Poga Moonga Juice, is just another exotic fruit supplement? NOT
I’m tired of seeing and hearing about all those claims most of the juice supplements make about making you healthy. People fall for these things because their exotic, newly discovered juice supplements. They don’t really know the truth about how detrimental they really are to your health. Have they been tested with evidence proving their benefits? NO! Have they any proof that their concoction is truly healthy for you? NO! Or is it all just another empty promise of good natural health?
I have talked with many people using every juice supplement on the market and more people were unhappy with the results than were happy. Why, well because if your health is in bad shape, you’ll be happy taking them because antioxidants are good for you, so the people with bad health will see results. But this could be said for almost any product they take. If it’s healthy and natural they will see results. But most people don’t really see any real health benefits if they are pretty healthy to begin with and are unhappy with those products.
Anything natural is great for your body because it matches your body chemistry and is easily absorbed into your body but no matter what it is, even antioxidants, too much of anything, even natural, can be very damaging to your health. What people don’t understand is that all most all of those juice supplements are very, very acidic. Even though you may benefit from the antioxidants, the over acidity will harm you more. It will give your body an unbalanced PH, which can do the opposite of what you took the stuff for in the first place.
Here is an alarming article, from a doctor, who cured himself of multiple sclerosis. He tried all of those fruity antioxidant supplements and says they are very harm full to your body.
Once you know the truth, and your aware of how bad those fruit supplements can really be for your health, then it’s time to look at a true whole food supplement. A supplement that contains 3 all natural supplements combined into one amazing product. One of the supplements is pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice has 3 times the antioxidants of red wine and is great for you but not an overdose of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for thinning your blood, preventing build up of plaque in your arteries which both help prevent heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.
The other two supplements have been used for centuries, with endless tests and results. They are aloe vera and moringa. Between these two you get all your amino acids. Aloe has 20 and moringa, is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids”. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They build new cells and repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Moringa is so nutritious; it is given to pregnant women and children in 3 rd world countries to fight malnutrition. It is also a great detoxifier. Aloe has many great benefits but the 2 most effective are it ability to interact and enhance other drugs with no side affects and it build your immune system and has disease preventative properties. So when your ready to try the most effective, natural, whole food supplement on the market today just go to http://pogamoongajuice.com and be amazed at what healthy really feels like.
Edward Burke
I have talked with many people using every juice supplement on the market and more people were unhappy with the results than were happy. Why, well because if your health is in bad shape, you’ll be happy taking them because antioxidants are good for you, so the people with bad health will see results. But this could be said for almost any product they take. If it’s healthy and natural they will see results. But most people don’t really see any real health benefits if they are pretty healthy to begin with and are unhappy with those products.
Anything natural is great for your body because it matches your body chemistry and is easily absorbed into your body but no matter what it is, even antioxidants, too much of anything, even natural, can be very damaging to your health. What people don’t understand is that all most all of those juice supplements are very, very acidic. Even though you may benefit from the antioxidants, the over acidity will harm you more. It will give your body an unbalanced PH, which can do the opposite of what you took the stuff for in the first place.
Here is an alarming article, from a doctor, who cured himself of multiple sclerosis. He tried all of those fruity antioxidant supplements and says they are very harm full to your body.
Once you know the truth, and your aware of how bad those fruit supplements can really be for your health, then it’s time to look at a true whole food supplement. A supplement that contains 3 all natural supplements combined into one amazing product. One of the supplements is pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice has 3 times the antioxidants of red wine and is great for you but not an overdose of antioxidants. Antioxidants are important for thinning your blood, preventing build up of plaque in your arteries which both help prevent heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.
The other two supplements have been used for centuries, with endless tests and results. They are aloe vera and moringa. Between these two you get all your amino acids. Aloe has 20 and moringa, is the only plant that contains the 8 “essential amino acids”. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They build new cells and repair and rebuild muscle tissue. Moringa is so nutritious; it is given to pregnant women and children in 3 rd world countries to fight malnutrition. It is also a great detoxifier. Aloe has many great benefits but the 2 most effective are it ability to interact and enhance other drugs with no side affects and it build your immune system and has disease preventative properties. So when your ready to try the most effective, natural, whole food supplement on the market today just go to http://pogamoongajuice.com and be amazed at what healthy really feels like.
Edward Burke
Sunday, April 13, 2008
PogaMoonga and Moringa species!
There are 13 species of Moringa, that fall into 3 separate categories depending on geography and life form. The “bottle tree” has massive water storing trunk and small symmetrical spoke like flowers. From Madagascar come the drouhardii and hildebrandtii. From Namibia comes the ovaliffolia and from Kenya comes the stenopetala, which are all bottle tree species.
The second category of Moringa are the “slender trees”. These trees are in a tube shaped and in the juvenile stage, which produce tan to a pink two sided symmetrical flowers. From India come the oncanensis and the oleifera. Peregrina comes from the Red Sea area.
The third category of moringa is the “tree shrubs and herbs of Northeast Africa”. There are eight Moringa species found in northeast Africa in many forms. span the whole range of life form variation found in Moringa. All but peregrina are native only to northeast Africa. These species are tube likes adults or juveniles maturing to adults. They are very colorful, two sided, identical flowers.
These species are as follows; arborea form NE Kenya; borziana from Kenya and Somalia; longituba from Kenya; Ethiopia and Somalia; pygmaea from N. Somalia; rivae from Kenya and Ethiopia and ruspoliana from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
Though there are 13 different species of Moringa, moringa oleifera is the one chosen for the main ingredients of Poga Moonga because of their medicinal properties. The leaves are used in remedies for tumors and the seed for abdominal tumors. Leaves applied as a save to sores, rubbed on the temples to relieve headaches, and said to have purgative properties. Leaves are bitter and are taken to promote digestion. From the leaves and seeds also supply your body with the “8 essential amino acids” needed to build new cells and repair and build new muscle.
Per 100 grams, the Moringa Leaf amino acids include; 6 grams of arginine, 2.1 grams of histidine, 4.3 grams of lysine, 1.9 grams of tryptophane, 6.4 grams of phenylalanine, 2 grams of methionine, 4.9 grams of threonine, 9.3 grams of lucine, 6.3 grams of isoleucine, and 7.1 grams of valine. You can’t find a plant source containing these amounts of essential amino acids you need.
The second category of Moringa are the “slender trees”. These trees are in a tube shaped and in the juvenile stage, which produce tan to a pink two sided symmetrical flowers. From India come the oncanensis and the oleifera. Peregrina comes from the Red Sea area.
The third category of moringa is the “tree shrubs and herbs of Northeast Africa”. There are eight Moringa species found in northeast Africa in many forms. span the whole range of life form variation found in Moringa. All but peregrina are native only to northeast Africa. These species are tube likes adults or juveniles maturing to adults. They are very colorful, two sided, identical flowers.
These species are as follows; arborea form NE Kenya; borziana from Kenya and Somalia; longituba from Kenya; Ethiopia and Somalia; pygmaea from N. Somalia; rivae from Kenya and Ethiopia and ruspoliana from Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia.
Though there are 13 different species of Moringa, moringa oleifera is the one chosen for the main ingredients of Poga Moonga because of their medicinal properties. The leaves are used in remedies for tumors and the seed for abdominal tumors. Leaves applied as a save to sores, rubbed on the temples to relieve headaches, and said to have purgative properties. Leaves are bitter and are taken to promote digestion. From the leaves and seeds also supply your body with the “8 essential amino acids” needed to build new cells and repair and build new muscle.
Per 100 grams, the Moringa Leaf amino acids include; 6 grams of arginine, 2.1 grams of histidine, 4.3 grams of lysine, 1.9 grams of tryptophane, 6.4 grams of phenylalanine, 2 grams of methionine, 4.9 grams of threonine, 9.3 grams of lucine, 6.3 grams of isoleucine, and 7.1 grams of valine. You can’t find a plant source containing these amounts of essential amino acids you need.
moringa oleifera,
poga moonga juice,
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Poga Moonga Juice, the proofs in the bottle!
Poga Moonga Juice, the proofs in the pudding!
Just the facts about the three ingredients in Poga Moonga Juice!
Detoxifying Moringa Oleifera
The main ingredient and probably the most important ingredient, in Poga Moonga is Moringa, the miracle tree. The”moonga” in poga moonga comes from the word moringa, which is called moonga in some places of the world. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Moringa is its ability amazing health benefits covering a wide range of health issues. Here a just a few:
While most people notice a natural, sustained, energy boost right away, the nutritional results helping undernourished people in third world countries is staggering. (See www.treesforlife.org for studies).
Studies show Moringa’s ability to detoxify water, using the seeds is amazing. It can be grown locally for very little money, which makes it a very cost effective detoxifying agent. It is believed that over 6 million children die each year, due to infections from unclean water. If Moringa can detoxify the worst water and make it usable, how good do you think it would be at detoxifying our bodies? Simply Amazing!
Moringa works as a gentle, natural antibiotic, See Eilert, U.,B. Wolters and A. Nahrstedt. “The antibiotic principle of seeds of Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala.” Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 42, pp 55-61. 1981
Like an other amazing plant, Aloe Vera, Moringa is believed to have great healing benefits for the skin. Most of the research done so fart is on topical applications, but the healing properties would extend to the body itself.
Indian traditional medicines have long used the Moringa in treating the body’s inflammation. See, Udupa, S.L., A.L. Udupa and D.R.Kulkarni, “Studies on the anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of Moringa oleifera and Aegle marmelos. Fitoterapia 65(2) pp 119-123.
In 1955, the anti-ulcer effects of Moringa were reported in Phytotherapy research. An extract was used from dried leaves and showed to have an impressive ability to heal ulcers in lab animals. Holst, p17.
Further research has shown that an extract from the Moringa leaf was effective in lowering blood sugar levels within a 3-hour period. Holst, pp17-18.
Moringa leaves have shown to aid in keeping a calmer nervous system, which in turn provided improvements in sleep. Holst, p18Some studies have proved Moringa leaves effective for treating,
Blood pressure
Colitis and Diarrhea
Used as a diuretic
Glandular swelling
Skin antiseptic
Seeds are used for,
Skin diseases
Prostate and bladder issues
In all. Moringa is truly an unbelievable tree. So amazing, that is the only plant, which provides the 8 “essential amino acids” our body needs but does not make. We normally must acquire these amino acids by eating the right combination of food.
Aloe is an amazing plant that has at least three key actions on cells. It can enhance the effects of even the strongest drugs available without being toxic and causing side effects leaves absolutely no poisonous residues in your body unlike most other drugs. Aloe vera also stimulates the body to cleanse itself in a very positive way, which no other drug, natural or pharmaceutical can match. This is what sets aloe vera apart from any other drug. Aloe Vera is used to treat an awry of health problems. Here is a short list of the benefits of taking Aloe vera:
· Anti-bacterial
· Anti-fungal
· Anti-viral
· Arthritis
· Burns
· Diabetes
· Digestive System
· Anti-inflammatory
· Tumors
· Wounds
Uses based on scientific evidence:Western MedicineWestern medicine has done little research on aloe vera and other natural products. But aloe vera has been used for centuries, by many civilizations, with written benefits for all the ailments above. Only further research will gain the approval of the amazing benefits of aloe vera for western medicine.Constipation (laxative) Dried latex from the aloe leaves, taken internally have been used as a laxative. The laxative properties such as aloin are well studied. A herbal remedy containing aloe was found to be an effective laxative, although it is not clear if this effect was due to the aloe itself. Genital HerpesSome evidence suggests a .05% extract of hydrophilic cream taken from aloe vera, may be an effective treatment of genital herpes in men. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Psoriasis vulgaris Evidence from one human trial suggests that 0.5% extract from aloe in a hydrophilic cream was an effective treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea, dandruff)One study using 30% aloe lotion, applied to the skin twice daily for 4-6 weeks, was effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Cancer preventionFrom a small case-control study, it showed that oral aloe may help in reducing the risk of developing lung cancer. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Canker sores (aphthous stomatitis)From two studies, it was found that using aloe vera gel was a good treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers of the mouth. It reduces the pain and increases the amount of time between the appearances of new ulcers. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Diabetes (type 2) Laboratory studies show that aloe vera can stimulate insulin release from the pancreas and can lower blood glucose levels in mice. Results from two human trials suggest that oral aloe gel may be effective in lowering blood glucose levels. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.HIV infection Acemannan, a component found in aloe gel, has been shown to have anti-viral activities and immune-stimulating properties. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Skin burns Preliminary evidence suggests that aloe may be effective in promoting healing of mild to moderate skin burns. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Ulcerative colitis There promising research of the use of oral aloe vera in ulcerative colitis (UC), compared to placebo. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Wound healing Study results of aloe on wound healing are mixed with some studies reporting positive results. Further study is needed, since wound healing is a popular use of topical aloe.Radiation dermatitis Reports from the 1930s about the aloe's topical beneficial effects on skin after radiation exposure lead to widespread use. Currently, aloe gel is sometimes recommended for radiation-induced dermatitis.Antioxidant PomegranateWhat’s so great about pomegranate? There’s no doubt that most of you have heard something about pomegranate, even before the wonders of this magical fruit were introduce to you by Poga Moonga. Pomegranate is the “Po” in PogaMoonga. Pomegranate is a great source of antioxidants.Emerging science suggests that unstable little molecules called free radicals may be linked to disease.Where do they come from? Everywhere. Free radicals come from many external sources such as air pollution, alcohol, pesticides, sunlight, tobacco smoke, drugs, and even fried foods. And if that weren’t enough your body also produces them. Antioxidants from pomegranate, which is found in PogaMoonga fight hard to help prevent free radicals from doing their damage.Cancer and emerging science. Cancer is not a single condition, but it is a name connected to hundreds of different diseases. The name “cancer” is characterized by the uncontrolled spread and growth of abnormal cells. Emerging science has shown that diets rich in vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants, along with regular exercise, might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. PogaMoonga is a great source of antioxidants, from both the moringa and pomegranate. Aging and Emerging Science (and just plain common sense!)We all know that there isn’t a Fountain of Youth. But emerging research is leading us to believe that there are a few things we can do to live “young” no matter what our age is. Scientists believe that free radical damage accumulates with age and that antioxidants may help protect the body from free radical damage. It makes sense that exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables including antioxidant-rich Poga Moonga may help you live "young". 1. What are antioxidants?Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer and other diseases. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals otherwise might cause if uncontrolled. Examples of antioxidants include vitamins C, E, and A ,beta-carotene, lycopene and other substances.2. Can antioxidants prevent cancer?Considerable laboratory evidence in animals, using chemical, cell culture, indicates that antioxidants may slow and even possibly prevent the development of cancer. Further research is needed to prove the beneficial properties of antioxidants and it’s relationship to cancer. 3. What was shown in previously published large-scale clinical trials?The clinical trial about the effect of antioxidants on cancer, published in the 1990s reached differing conclusions. The studies examined the effect of beta-carotene and other antioxidants on cancer in different patient groups. Below is the summary of this trail. • The first large randomized trial on antioxidants and cancer risk was the Chinese Cancer Prevention Study, published in 1993. This trial investigated the effect of a combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium on cancer in healthy Chinese men and women at high risk for gastric cancer. The study showed a combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium significantly reduced incidence of both gastric cancer and cancer overall. Blot WJ, Li JY, Taylor PR, et al. Nutrition intervention trials in Linxian, China: supplementation with specific vitamin/mineral combinations, cancer incidence, and disease-specific mortality in the general population. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;85:1483-91.
Amino Acids Role
Amino acids play important roles as intermediates in metabolism and building blocks of proteins. The amino acids that are found in proteins combine to create many different amino acids. The precise sequence of those amino acids, amino acid content of a specific protein, is determined by the sequence of the bases in the gene that encodes that protein. The chemical properties determine the biological activity of the protein in amino acids. Proteins not only catalyze all (or most) of the reactions in living cells, they control all cellular process. Proteins contain within their amino acid sequences the information to determine how that protein will be structured, and the stability of the resulting structure. The field of protein folding and stability has been researched for years, and remains one of the great unsolved mysteries. But progress is being made daily to truly completely understand amino acids. As we learn about amino acids, we will learn more about amino acid structure and properties along with properties and structure of proteins. We will learn that even the smallest protein has very complex characteristics, which are a composite of the properties of the amino acids, which comprise the protein. .
Essential amino acids
Humans can produce 10 of the 20 amino acids. The others must be supplied in the food. Failure to obtain any or enough of even 1 of the 8 essential amino acids, which our body doesn’t produce, results in degradation of the body's muscle and proteins. to obtain the one amino acid that are needed. The body does not store excess amino acids, like it does fat and starch, which can be used at a later time. The amino acids must be replenished, daily. The 12 amino acids that we can produce are alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine. Tyrosine is produced from phenylalanine, so if the diet is deficient in phenylalanine, tyrosine will be required as well. The essential amino acids are arginine (required for the young, but not for adults), histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. These amino acids are required in the diet. Plants must be able to make all the amino acids. Humans do not have all the enzymes required for the biosynthesis of all of the amino acids.
Why learn these structures and properties?
Learning the structure and chemical make up of these amino acids will further our knowledge of enzymes, proteins or the nucleic acids.
Just the facts about the three ingredients in Poga Moonga Juice!
Detoxifying Moringa Oleifera
The main ingredient and probably the most important ingredient, in Poga Moonga is Moringa, the miracle tree. The”moonga” in poga moonga comes from the word moringa, which is called moonga in some places of the world. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Moringa is its ability amazing health benefits covering a wide range of health issues. Here a just a few:
While most people notice a natural, sustained, energy boost right away, the nutritional results helping undernourished people in third world countries is staggering. (See www.treesforlife.org for studies).
Studies show Moringa’s ability to detoxify water, using the seeds is amazing. It can be grown locally for very little money, which makes it a very cost effective detoxifying agent. It is believed that over 6 million children die each year, due to infections from unclean water. If Moringa can detoxify the worst water and make it usable, how good do you think it would be at detoxifying our bodies? Simply Amazing!
Moringa works as a gentle, natural antibiotic, See Eilert, U.,B. Wolters and A. Nahrstedt. “The antibiotic principle of seeds of Moringa oleifera and Moringa stenopetala.” Journal of Medicinal Plant Research, 42, pp 55-61. 1981
Like an other amazing plant, Aloe Vera, Moringa is believed to have great healing benefits for the skin. Most of the research done so fart is on topical applications, but the healing properties would extend to the body itself.
Indian traditional medicines have long used the Moringa in treating the body’s inflammation. See, Udupa, S.L., A.L. Udupa and D.R.Kulkarni, “Studies on the anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of Moringa oleifera and Aegle marmelos. Fitoterapia 65(2) pp 119-123.
In 1955, the anti-ulcer effects of Moringa were reported in Phytotherapy research. An extract was used from dried leaves and showed to have an impressive ability to heal ulcers in lab animals. Holst, p17.
Further research has shown that an extract from the Moringa leaf was effective in lowering blood sugar levels within a 3-hour period. Holst, pp17-18.
Moringa leaves have shown to aid in keeping a calmer nervous system, which in turn provided improvements in sleep. Holst, p18Some studies have proved Moringa leaves effective for treating,
Blood pressure
Colitis and Diarrhea
Used as a diuretic
Glandular swelling
Skin antiseptic
Seeds are used for,
Skin diseases
Prostate and bladder issues
In all. Moringa is truly an unbelievable tree. So amazing, that is the only plant, which provides the 8 “essential amino acids” our body needs but does not make. We normally must acquire these amino acids by eating the right combination of food.
Aloe is an amazing plant that has at least three key actions on cells. It can enhance the effects of even the strongest drugs available without being toxic and causing side effects leaves absolutely no poisonous residues in your body unlike most other drugs. Aloe vera also stimulates the body to cleanse itself in a very positive way, which no other drug, natural or pharmaceutical can match. This is what sets aloe vera apart from any other drug. Aloe Vera is used to treat an awry of health problems. Here is a short list of the benefits of taking Aloe vera:
· Anti-bacterial
· Anti-fungal
· Anti-viral
· Arthritis
· Burns
· Diabetes
· Digestive System
· Anti-inflammatory
· Tumors
· Wounds
Uses based on scientific evidence:Western MedicineWestern medicine has done little research on aloe vera and other natural products. But aloe vera has been used for centuries, by many civilizations, with written benefits for all the ailments above. Only further research will gain the approval of the amazing benefits of aloe vera for western medicine.Constipation (laxative) Dried latex from the aloe leaves, taken internally have been used as a laxative. The laxative properties such as aloin are well studied. A herbal remedy containing aloe was found to be an effective laxative, although it is not clear if this effect was due to the aloe itself. Genital HerpesSome evidence suggests a .05% extract of hydrophilic cream taken from aloe vera, may be an effective treatment of genital herpes in men. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Psoriasis vulgaris Evidence from one human trial suggests that 0.5% extract from aloe in a hydrophilic cream was an effective treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Seborrheic dermatitis (seborrhea, dandruff)One study using 30% aloe lotion, applied to the skin twice daily for 4-6 weeks, was effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Cancer preventionFrom a small case-control study, it showed that oral aloe may help in reducing the risk of developing lung cancer. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Canker sores (aphthous stomatitis)From two studies, it was found that using aloe vera gel was a good treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcers of the mouth. It reduces the pain and increases the amount of time between the appearances of new ulcers. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Diabetes (type 2) Laboratory studies show that aloe vera can stimulate insulin release from the pancreas and can lower blood glucose levels in mice. Results from two human trials suggest that oral aloe gel may be effective in lowering blood glucose levels. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.HIV infection Acemannan, a component found in aloe gel, has been shown to have anti-viral activities and immune-stimulating properties. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Skin burns Preliminary evidence suggests that aloe may be effective in promoting healing of mild to moderate skin burns. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits. Ulcerative colitis There promising research of the use of oral aloe vera in ulcerative colitis (UC), compared to placebo. Additional research is being done to verify these benefits.Wound healing Study results of aloe on wound healing are mixed with some studies reporting positive results. Further study is needed, since wound healing is a popular use of topical aloe.Radiation dermatitis Reports from the 1930s about the aloe's topical beneficial effects on skin after radiation exposure lead to widespread use. Currently, aloe gel is sometimes recommended for radiation-induced dermatitis.Antioxidant PomegranateWhat’s so great about pomegranate? There’s no doubt that most of you have heard something about pomegranate, even before the wonders of this magical fruit were introduce to you by Poga Moonga. Pomegranate is the “Po” in PogaMoonga. Pomegranate is a great source of antioxidants.Emerging science suggests that unstable little molecules called free radicals may be linked to disease.Where do they come from? Everywhere. Free radicals come from many external sources such as air pollution, alcohol, pesticides, sunlight, tobacco smoke, drugs, and even fried foods. And if that weren’t enough your body also produces them. Antioxidants from pomegranate, which is found in PogaMoonga fight hard to help prevent free radicals from doing their damage.Cancer and emerging science. Cancer is not a single condition, but it is a name connected to hundreds of different diseases. The name “cancer” is characterized by the uncontrolled spread and growth of abnormal cells. Emerging science has shown that diets rich in vegetables and fruits that contain antioxidants, along with regular exercise, might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. PogaMoonga is a great source of antioxidants, from both the moringa and pomegranate. Aging and Emerging Science (and just plain common sense!)We all know that there isn’t a Fountain of Youth. But emerging research is leading us to believe that there are a few things we can do to live “young” no matter what our age is. Scientists believe that free radical damage accumulates with age and that antioxidants may help protect the body from free radical damage. It makes sense that exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables including antioxidant-rich Poga Moonga may help you live "young". 1. What are antioxidants?Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer and other diseases. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals and may prevent some of the damage free radicals otherwise might cause if uncontrolled. Examples of antioxidants include vitamins C, E, and A ,beta-carotene, lycopene and other substances.2. Can antioxidants prevent cancer?Considerable laboratory evidence in animals, using chemical, cell culture, indicates that antioxidants may slow and even possibly prevent the development of cancer. Further research is needed to prove the beneficial properties of antioxidants and it’s relationship to cancer. 3. What was shown in previously published large-scale clinical trials?The clinical trial about the effect of antioxidants on cancer, published in the 1990s reached differing conclusions. The studies examined the effect of beta-carotene and other antioxidants on cancer in different patient groups. Below is the summary of this trail. • The first large randomized trial on antioxidants and cancer risk was the Chinese Cancer Prevention Study, published in 1993. This trial investigated the effect of a combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium on cancer in healthy Chinese men and women at high risk for gastric cancer. The study showed a combination of beta-carotene, vitamin E, and selenium significantly reduced incidence of both gastric cancer and cancer overall. Blot WJ, Li JY, Taylor PR, et al. Nutrition intervention trials in Linxian, China: supplementation with specific vitamin/mineral combinations, cancer incidence, and disease-specific mortality in the general population. J Natl Cancer Inst 1993;85:1483-91.
Amino Acids Role
Amino acids play important roles as intermediates in metabolism and building blocks of proteins. The amino acids that are found in proteins combine to create many different amino acids. The precise sequence of those amino acids, amino acid content of a specific protein, is determined by the sequence of the bases in the gene that encodes that protein. The chemical properties determine the biological activity of the protein in amino acids. Proteins not only catalyze all (or most) of the reactions in living cells, they control all cellular process. Proteins contain within their amino acid sequences the information to determine how that protein will be structured, and the stability of the resulting structure. The field of protein folding and stability has been researched for years, and remains one of the great unsolved mysteries. But progress is being made daily to truly completely understand amino acids. As we learn about amino acids, we will learn more about amino acid structure and properties along with properties and structure of proteins. We will learn that even the smallest protein has very complex characteristics, which are a composite of the properties of the amino acids, which comprise the protein. .
Essential amino acids
Humans can produce 10 of the 20 amino acids. The others must be supplied in the food. Failure to obtain any or enough of even 1 of the 8 essential amino acids, which our body doesn’t produce, results in degradation of the body's muscle and proteins. to obtain the one amino acid that are needed. The body does not store excess amino acids, like it does fat and starch, which can be used at a later time. The amino acids must be replenished, daily. The 12 amino acids that we can produce are alanine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine. Tyrosine is produced from phenylalanine, so if the diet is deficient in phenylalanine, tyrosine will be required as well. The essential amino acids are arginine (required for the young, but not for adults), histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. These amino acids are required in the diet. Plants must be able to make all the amino acids. Humans do not have all the enzymes required for the biosynthesis of all of the amino acids.
Why learn these structures and properties?
Learning the structure and chemical make up of these amino acids will further our knowledge of enzymes, proteins or the nucleic acids.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
PogaMoonga, More empty promises or a real supplement?
I have done research on most of the “exotic fruit juice supplements” on the market today. Like most people, the most important thing about taking any supplement are the benefits you get from taking it. With endless products making promises of benefits, that have no factual proof, it’s hard to believe all the hype. Let’s face it, unless it’s been taken and studied and there is written and observed evidence of the benefits it provides, you might as well keep being a “lab rat” for the drug companies and keep taking pharmacutical drugs.
At least you know the possible side effects and all of their stuff doesn’t kill you, even though they have had they’re share of recalled drugs that were detrimental to your health. So do yourself a favor, before you fall for all the empty promises made by these exotic fruit supplements, and do some research on PogaMoonga. You’ll find all 3 of their ingredients have been used for centuries with lots of observed and recorded evidence and new being added as more research is done. Below is a list of the ingredients in PoaMoonga and the benefits they deliver. Research it yourself and get the truth. PogaMoonga , “Its Just Your Health”
Moringa Benefits:
Nutrition and Energy Boost Detoxification Antibiotic Skin Treatment
Anti-Inflammatory Ulcers Diabetes Sleep
Some studies have proved Moringa leaves effective for treating:
Blood pressure Diabetes Colitis and Diarrhea Used as a diuretic
Headache Glandular swelling Skin antiseptic Fevers
Seeds are used for:
Fevers Tumors Rheumatism Skin diseases Prostate and bladder issues
Pomegranate Benefits:
Science is suggesting that unstable little molecules called free radicals may be linked to disease. Where do they come from? There are many external sources, such as alcohol, sunlight, drugs, pesticides, pollution, tobacco, smoke and fried foods. Our body also produces them naturally. Antioxidants like those found in the pomegranate, in PogaMoonga fight hard to help prevent free radicals from doing their damage.
Emerging Science and Cancer
Cancer is not a single condition, but is connected to over 100 diseases. Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Emerging science has shown that antioxidants found in diets that are rich in vegetables and fruits, combined with regular exercise, might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. PogaMoonga is a great source of antioxidants, from both the Pomegranate and Moringa.
Aloe Vera Benefits:
Aloe Vera has been found to have at least three key reactions with cells. It can enhance other
drug affects, it’s has no side effects and is non-toxic and it stimulates your body to cleanse itself, naturally, unlike any drug. Aloe Vera benefits are:
Anti-bacterial Anti-fungal Anti-viral Anti-viral Arthritis Burns Diabetes
Digestive System Anti-Inflammatory Tumors Wounds
At least you know the possible side effects and all of their stuff doesn’t kill you, even though they have had they’re share of recalled drugs that were detrimental to your health. So do yourself a favor, before you fall for all the empty promises made by these exotic fruit supplements, and do some research on PogaMoonga. You’ll find all 3 of their ingredients have been used for centuries with lots of observed and recorded evidence and new being added as more research is done. Below is a list of the ingredients in PoaMoonga and the benefits they deliver. Research it yourself and get the truth. PogaMoonga , “Its Just Your Health”
Moringa Benefits:
Nutrition and Energy Boost Detoxification Antibiotic Skin Treatment
Anti-Inflammatory Ulcers Diabetes Sleep
Some studies have proved Moringa leaves effective for treating:
Blood pressure Diabetes Colitis and Diarrhea Used as a diuretic
Headache Glandular swelling Skin antiseptic Fevers
Seeds are used for:
Fevers Tumors Rheumatism Skin diseases Prostate and bladder issues
Pomegranate Benefits:
Science is suggesting that unstable little molecules called free radicals may be linked to disease. Where do they come from? There are many external sources, such as alcohol, sunlight, drugs, pesticides, pollution, tobacco, smoke and fried foods. Our body also produces them naturally. Antioxidants like those found in the pomegranate, in PogaMoonga fight hard to help prevent free radicals from doing their damage.
Emerging Science and Cancer
Cancer is not a single condition, but is connected to over 100 diseases. Cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Emerging science has shown that antioxidants found in diets that are rich in vegetables and fruits, combined with regular exercise, might slow or help prevent the development of cancer. PogaMoonga is a great source of antioxidants, from both the Pomegranate and Moringa.
Aloe Vera Benefits:
Aloe Vera has been found to have at least three key reactions with cells. It can enhance other
drug affects, it’s has no side effects and is non-toxic and it stimulates your body to cleanse itself, naturally, unlike any drug. Aloe Vera benefits are:
Anti-bacterial Anti-fungal Anti-viral Anti-viral Arthritis Burns Diabetes
Digestive System Anti-Inflammatory Tumors Wounds
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Poga Moonga Business Review, The Truth and Facts!
Poga Moonga Business Review, The Truth and Facts!
Online opportunities have been on the rise for many years. Because of the overwhelming number of opportunities and promises they make, it is very hard to Know which ones are legitimate opportunities. They all promise great money making opportunities with little effort and time. This sounds very appealing to anyone caught in the whole 9 to 5 grind. One of the newest opportunities available is Poga Moonga Juice.
A) Their Mission
"Their mission is to produce the most effective, potent, beneficial, natural whole food supplement available anywhere. Something unlike anything else that has ever been produced in the health field before. Not just another exotic, fruity, supplements making empty promises. This is a very profound mission for some health minded visionaries making some very bold promises to make a product that can truly be beneficial to anyone who takes it.
Poga International is based in Montgomery, Texas. The company donates a portion of its profits to a charity “Poga Hands Across the World”. This is a charity, which helps ease the problem of malnutrition and hunger in some of the most impoverished areas of the world. They are building a large international network of Independent distributors and a portion of every sale goes to this charity.
B) The Money Making Opportunity
Poga Moonga has made moneymaking opportunities for their distributors, much better than for many other network-marketing companies. Knowing the distributors will be the backbone for their company, they offer 6 different ways to get paid. Here’s how Poga Moonga pays.
· Retail Sales - earned daily (profits from their web site)
· SuperStart Bonus - earned weekly (for new sign ups)
· Unilevel Commissions - earned monthly (9 compressions deep)
· Worldwide Volume Bonus Pool - earned quarterly (3% pool on world wide sales)
· PogaPlayers Bonus Pool – (trips and prizes)
· Pay It Back Bonus - earned monthly
To become a distributor it requires a $35 membership fee. There is also a monthly subscription fee of $25. Once you’re a distributor, you receive a duplicated web site, so you can promote the product. As a distributor, you can purchase the product for $99 a case (4 – 26 oz bottles) and then sell it retail, for $135 and make a profit of $36 on each case. With the Super Start Bonus you make 45% commission from the first order from a new distributor.
Poga Moonga Unilevel Commission is based on the number of personal sponsorships and the volume of sales in your down line. The more people you sponsor and the more your down line sells the more money you make. The Worldwide Volume Bonus Pool is made up of 3% of the total volume of the company’s sales. You must be a Poga Player or Director 50 to have a share of this pool. This pool is paid out quarterly.
The PogaPlayers Bonus Pool is made of up 2% of total company sales volume and is set aside for luxury auto leases, trips and prizes. Just a little more icing on the cake. The Poga Moonga Pay It Back Bonus allows each distributor of a Director 5 rank or higher to go into their down lines and claim commissions from those distributors of a lower rank who do not qualify for unilevel commissions in their deeper levels.
C) The Business Product...
As for the actual nutritional ingredients you would be selling, they are called:
· Detoxifying Moringa (this comes from the Moringa tree)
· Free Radical Warrior Pomegranate (antioxidants)
· Magical Aloe Vera
The most important thing to consider is if there is a market for this product. There must be a market or demand for the product in order to make it a viable online business. I have read a lot of positive reviews about the product. POGA Moonga is definitely a legitimate opportunity and as long as you work hard it is very possible to make money. The only hurdle will be, being able to market it online. There will always be your warm market, friends and family. As far, as an online business, it will be the same as any other online business. Your success online will depend on if you can market the product and drive traffic to your web site.
About The Author: Edward Burke is a mentor in the home business industry and devotes his time to helping others generate a successful online business. For more information on the product and the opportunity, visit Edward’s web site
Online opportunities have been on the rise for many years. Because of the overwhelming number of opportunities and promises they make, it is very hard to Know which ones are legitimate opportunities. They all promise great money making opportunities with little effort and time. This sounds very appealing to anyone caught in the whole 9 to 5 grind. One of the newest opportunities available is Poga Moonga Juice.
A) Their Mission
"Their mission is to produce the most effective, potent, beneficial, natural whole food supplement available anywhere. Something unlike anything else that has ever been produced in the health field before. Not just another exotic, fruity, supplements making empty promises. This is a very profound mission for some health minded visionaries making some very bold promises to make a product that can truly be beneficial to anyone who takes it.
Poga International is based in Montgomery, Texas. The company donates a portion of its profits to a charity “Poga Hands Across the World”. This is a charity, which helps ease the problem of malnutrition and hunger in some of the most impoverished areas of the world. They are building a large international network of Independent distributors and a portion of every sale goes to this charity.
B) The Money Making Opportunity
Poga Moonga has made moneymaking opportunities for their distributors, much better than for many other network-marketing companies. Knowing the distributors will be the backbone for their company, they offer 6 different ways to get paid. Here’s how Poga Moonga pays.
· Retail Sales - earned daily (profits from their web site)
· SuperStart Bonus - earned weekly (for new sign ups)
· Unilevel Commissions - earned monthly (9 compressions deep)
· Worldwide Volume Bonus Pool - earned quarterly (3% pool on world wide sales)
· PogaPlayers Bonus Pool – (trips and prizes)
· Pay It Back Bonus - earned monthly
To become a distributor it requires a $35 membership fee. There is also a monthly subscription fee of $25. Once you’re a distributor, you receive a duplicated web site, so you can promote the product. As a distributor, you can purchase the product for $99 a case (4 – 26 oz bottles) and then sell it retail, for $135 and make a profit of $36 on each case. With the Super Start Bonus you make 45% commission from the first order from a new distributor.
Poga Moonga Unilevel Commission is based on the number of personal sponsorships and the volume of sales in your down line. The more people you sponsor and the more your down line sells the more money you make. The Worldwide Volume Bonus Pool is made up of 3% of the total volume of the company’s sales. You must be a Poga Player or Director 50 to have a share of this pool. This pool is paid out quarterly.
The PogaPlayers Bonus Pool is made of up 2% of total company sales volume and is set aside for luxury auto leases, trips and prizes. Just a little more icing on the cake. The Poga Moonga Pay It Back Bonus allows each distributor of a Director 5 rank or higher to go into their down lines and claim commissions from those distributors of a lower rank who do not qualify for unilevel commissions in their deeper levels.
C) The Business Product...
As for the actual nutritional ingredients you would be selling, they are called:
· Detoxifying Moringa (this comes from the Moringa tree)
· Free Radical Warrior Pomegranate (antioxidants)
· Magical Aloe Vera
The most important thing to consider is if there is a market for this product. There must be a market or demand for the product in order to make it a viable online business. I have read a lot of positive reviews about the product. POGA Moonga is definitely a legitimate opportunity and as long as you work hard it is very possible to make money. The only hurdle will be, being able to market it online. There will always be your warm market, friends and family. As far, as an online business, it will be the same as any other online business. Your success online will depend on if you can market the product and drive traffic to your web site.
About The Author: Edward Burke is a mentor in the home business industry and devotes his time to helping others generate a successful online business. For more information on the product and the opportunity, visit Edward’s web site
home based business,
network marketing,
work from home
Sunday, March 16, 2008
PogaMoonga true stories!
Every natural product makes claims to how much it really helped people. The truth is, if any of these other natural health supplement products were as good as they claim, they would have testimonials from they’re friends and family because that’s who you would give it to first because you care about them and you would want them to be healthier too.
Here are just a few recommendations from people I have introduced poga moonga to. These are NOT, just anybody making claims about how good the poga moonga juice is but these are my friends and family, people I care about. Of course my story is first.
Unbelievable stuff!
I am a 52-year-old construction worker. Two years ago, I fell off a roof about 15 feet high. I pulled the ball out of my hip socket, cut the ball right in half and fractured 4 vertebras in my lower back. Needless to say I was laid up for 6 months waiting for the bone to heal. When I returned to work, I felt sluggish and run down. I couldn’t seem to handle the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt like I would pass out so by 10:30 in the morning I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on me. I was overdosing on caffeine and energy drinks, which I was taking just to have energy. I wasn’t sleeping well; I was always tired and irritable.
I starting trying some natural products to help me. None of them really helped because I was still taking energy drinks until I found poga moonga. It changed my health in 2 weeks. I was sleeping better, had natural sustained energy all day and felt better than I had in years. Now, after 7 months, I always make sure I have it on hand. It was the first natural supplement I tried that actually improved my health unlike all the other fruity exotic juices I tried. It taste like V8 juice and I only need to take 2 ounces every morning. I love everything about this product and recommend it to every one I know.
Edward Burke Jr.
Poga Moonga Juice really helped my IBS
For 4 years I have been suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Nothing the doctors gave me really relieved the pain and nausea. Then I visited my nephew and he had me try Poga Moonga juice. Amazingly after only 3 days I could eat normal food and even drink coffee without discomfort. I now have been taking it for 3 months and am still benefiting from it.
I just have a 1 ½ oz. shot every morning before I have breakfast. The aloe Vera and moringa have given me relief, I thought I would never have. It is easy to take and doesn’t taste bad, sort of like vegetable juice. I buy 2 bottles every month from my nephew, which makes sure I don’t run out between orders. If you have any digestive problems I would recommend you try it. If it is so effective on a serious problem such as IBS I’m sure it will be great for other stomach problems.
Fran Burke
Even my doctor was surprised!
About one year ago I started have sharp pains in my arm. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Chicken Pox. He said I was lucky I caught it in time being that I am 70 years old. The doctor said the chicken pox were always in my body but only surfaced because my immune system was low. He told me it could take 6 months to a year for the pain to go away. For 2 months I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time because the pain would wake me.
Then my son told me I should try this new stuff he was taking. He said it would help fight the chicken pox and build me immune system, so I tried it. I didn’t like the taste so I mixed 1 ½ oz. with my orange juice and took it every morning. To my surprise, within 3 weeks the pain was greatly reduced and I didn’t feel as run down. My arthritis pain also seemed better and I had more mobility than I did before.
I’m not sure if all this is due to using poga moonga juice but I know it sure didn’t make things worst. My son makes sure I always have a couple bottles, so I don’t run out. I take it every morning, religiously and don’t plan to stop. Even my doctor was surprised at how much sooner my symptoms were getting better than he had originally told me. I’m really glad my son made me try it.
Doris Burke
I was skeptical at first
I have been tasking it for about 2 months after my boyfriend told me I should try it. I am amazed at just how much healthier I feel. It's helped my cholesterol, acid reflux (all gone); it's even helped my asthma (I haven't used my allergy pills in about 3 weeks). Not to mention I sleep better and have energy like I did 10 years ago. I would highly recommend trying it and will be buying it regularly. It tastes a little like prune juice and vegetable drink but you can mix it with any fruit juice if you don't like the taste.
Evelyn Diaz
I guess the proof is in the pudding. All I know is I have never seen one product have such a positive affect on so many people with so many different ailments. The combination of Aloe Vera, Pomegranate and especially the Moringa make a natural health supplement, I would gladly recommend to anyone looking to get healthy again.
Here are just a few recommendations from people I have introduced poga moonga to. These are NOT, just anybody making claims about how good the poga moonga juice is but these are my friends and family, people I care about. Of course my story is first.
Unbelievable stuff!
I am a 52-year-old construction worker. Two years ago, I fell off a roof about 15 feet high. I pulled the ball out of my hip socket, cut the ball right in half and fractured 4 vertebras in my lower back. Needless to say I was laid up for 6 months waiting for the bone to heal. When I returned to work, I felt sluggish and run down. I couldn’t seem to handle the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt like I would pass out so by 10:30 in the morning I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on me. I was overdosing on caffeine and energy drinks, which I was taking just to have energy. I wasn’t sleeping well; I was always tired and irritable.
I starting trying some natural products to help me. None of them really helped because I was still taking energy drinks until I found poga moonga. It changed my health in 2 weeks. I was sleeping better, had natural sustained energy all day and felt better than I had in years. Now, after 7 months, I always make sure I have it on hand. It was the first natural supplement I tried that actually improved my health unlike all the other fruity exotic juices I tried. It taste like V8 juice and I only need to take 2 ounces every morning. I love everything about this product and recommend it to every one I know.
Edward Burke Jr.
Poga Moonga Juice really helped my IBS
For 4 years I have been suffering from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Nothing the doctors gave me really relieved the pain and nausea. Then I visited my nephew and he had me try Poga Moonga juice. Amazingly after only 3 days I could eat normal food and even drink coffee without discomfort. I now have been taking it for 3 months and am still benefiting from it.
I just have a 1 ½ oz. shot every morning before I have breakfast. The aloe Vera and moringa have given me relief, I thought I would never have. It is easy to take and doesn’t taste bad, sort of like vegetable juice. I buy 2 bottles every month from my nephew, which makes sure I don’t run out between orders. If you have any digestive problems I would recommend you try it. If it is so effective on a serious problem such as IBS I’m sure it will be great for other stomach problems.
Fran Burke
Even my doctor was surprised!
About one year ago I started have sharp pains in my arm. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with Chicken Pox. He said I was lucky I caught it in time being that I am 70 years old. The doctor said the chicken pox were always in my body but only surfaced because my immune system was low. He told me it could take 6 months to a year for the pain to go away. For 2 months I couldn’t sleep more than 2 hours at a time because the pain would wake me.
Then my son told me I should try this new stuff he was taking. He said it would help fight the chicken pox and build me immune system, so I tried it. I didn’t like the taste so I mixed 1 ½ oz. with my orange juice and took it every morning. To my surprise, within 3 weeks the pain was greatly reduced and I didn’t feel as run down. My arthritis pain also seemed better and I had more mobility than I did before.
I’m not sure if all this is due to using poga moonga juice but I know it sure didn’t make things worst. My son makes sure I always have a couple bottles, so I don’t run out. I take it every morning, religiously and don’t plan to stop. Even my doctor was surprised at how much sooner my symptoms were getting better than he had originally told me. I’m really glad my son made me try it.
Doris Burke
I was skeptical at first
I have been tasking it for about 2 months after my boyfriend told me I should try it. I am amazed at just how much healthier I feel. It's helped my cholesterol, acid reflux (all gone); it's even helped my asthma (I haven't used my allergy pills in about 3 weeks). Not to mention I sleep better and have energy like I did 10 years ago. I would highly recommend trying it and will be buying it regularly. It tastes a little like prune juice and vegetable drink but you can mix it with any fruit juice if you don't like the taste.
Evelyn Diaz
I guess the proof is in the pudding. All I know is I have never seen one product have such a positive affect on so many people with so many different ailments. The combination of Aloe Vera, Pomegranate and especially the Moringa make a natural health supplement, I would gladly recommend to anyone looking to get healthy again.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Who else is “sick and tired, of being sick and tired”?
I remember how healthy I was when I was younger. I was strong, never got sick, could stay up all night and work the next day. But the older you get the more you realize it’s was all down hill from them days. Sure you want to believe things haven’t changed but realistically you know, you can’t stay up all night and work the next day. You have aches and pains you never had when you were younger. And you know it’s time to get the flu shot or you’ll probably caught that cold going around at work.
So, you try almost anything, to be healthier because you know things can only get worst with age. So you try to eat right, and get some exercise like your doctor recommends but it’s hard to follow that diet because you just lover those cookies and it’s hard to get to the gym every day because something always happens to prevent you from going. You feel like you don’t have the energy you use to have, you don’t sleep as well as you use to and now you have problems with your stomach and old age is just setting in. When you think about it, it’s really funny that we come into this world with no teeth, wearing a diaper, can ‘t even hold your head up by yourself and being pushed around in a stroller and then, 80 years later, we are the same.
You realize that the older you get the harder it is to recover from anything. You know this from your own experiences and seeing older people having to deal with it. I know an elderly woman who died because she feel and broke her hip and I also remember when I was 20 years old, I broke my ankle and got a cast and was back to work 2 days later. Here is my own personal experience. I am 52 years old and have been in construction for 25 years. I have lived in south Florida for the last 12 years. Winters are nice but summers are killer with very high humidity and temperatures. I always stayed in good shape and got plenty of exercise. I have broken a lot of bones over the years but always recovered quickly. Then 3 years ago, 2 days before Christmas, I was doing a roof and feel off. It was about 17 fell to the ground. Now I have fallen from that high before but never really got hurt bad, you know sprained ankles and stuff. But this time was different.
I knew the second time I tried to get up and couldn’t something was very wrong. I had ripped the ball out of my hip socket, fractured 4 vertebra in my lower back, chipped the socket in my hip and cut the ball in half. Yes, I actually cut the 3-inch ball where my leg connects to my hip right in half. The doctor considered my age and what shape I was in and decided to screw the ball back together instead of a hip replacement. It took 6 months for that bone to heal. He said I wouldn’t be able to do construction again and would have to find another job. Fast forward, 6 months later. After only 2 weeks of rehab I was walking again. Against my doctors wishes I went back to my job. You see I could not find another job that would replace the kind of money I made, so I had no choice.
But something was different. I could not deal with the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt run down, always tired and didn’t sleep well. I started drinking energy drinks every morning along with coffee but by 10:30 I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on my face. I needed to find something to get back the feeling I had before the accident. So I tried every kind of natural stuff I could find because I never did like taking pharmaceutical drugs. I tried most of the stuff on the market today. Noni juice, Goji Juice, you name it but none of them helped. The finally I found something that amazes me too this day. I sleep better, I fell energized when I wake up and have unlimited natural energy all day. Now the heat and humidity doesn’t bother me, like it did before the accident.
I was so amazed with this stuff I gave it to most people I know and my family. I figured it could help them if helped me. Needless to say they all take it daily and it has helped them with many different ailments they suffered from. One takes it for controlling his cholesterol and high pressure. Another because it helps relieve the pain she has from her arthritis, another person takes it for his acid reflux and my aunt takes for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is the only thing that has helped her in 4 years. I have never seen one product positively affect the health of so many people. And they thank me every time I see them, what more could you ask for, than being able to help people you care about be healthier. All I can say id try it, and see for yourself. What do you have to loose but better health. You can always go back to your prescriptions you get from your doctor. But what if, what if, it is something that can truly change your health for the better. Poga Moonga Juice “Its Just Your Health”
So, you try almost anything, to be healthier because you know things can only get worst with age. So you try to eat right, and get some exercise like your doctor recommends but it’s hard to follow that diet because you just lover those cookies and it’s hard to get to the gym every day because something always happens to prevent you from going. You feel like you don’t have the energy you use to have, you don’t sleep as well as you use to and now you have problems with your stomach and old age is just setting in. When you think about it, it’s really funny that we come into this world with no teeth, wearing a diaper, can ‘t even hold your head up by yourself and being pushed around in a stroller and then, 80 years later, we are the same.
You realize that the older you get the harder it is to recover from anything. You know this from your own experiences and seeing older people having to deal with it. I know an elderly woman who died because she feel and broke her hip and I also remember when I was 20 years old, I broke my ankle and got a cast and was back to work 2 days later. Here is my own personal experience. I am 52 years old and have been in construction for 25 years. I have lived in south Florida for the last 12 years. Winters are nice but summers are killer with very high humidity and temperatures. I always stayed in good shape and got plenty of exercise. I have broken a lot of bones over the years but always recovered quickly. Then 3 years ago, 2 days before Christmas, I was doing a roof and feel off. It was about 17 fell to the ground. Now I have fallen from that high before but never really got hurt bad, you know sprained ankles and stuff. But this time was different.
I knew the second time I tried to get up and couldn’t something was very wrong. I had ripped the ball out of my hip socket, fractured 4 vertebra in my lower back, chipped the socket in my hip and cut the ball in half. Yes, I actually cut the 3-inch ball where my leg connects to my hip right in half. The doctor considered my age and what shape I was in and decided to screw the ball back together instead of a hip replacement. It took 6 months for that bone to heal. He said I wouldn’t be able to do construction again and would have to find another job. Fast forward, 6 months later. After only 2 weeks of rehab I was walking again. Against my doctors wishes I went back to my job. You see I could not find another job that would replace the kind of money I made, so I had no choice.
But something was different. I could not deal with the heat and humidity like I did before the accident. I felt run down, always tired and didn’t sleep well. I started drinking energy drinks every morning along with coffee but by 10:30 I was sitting in my truck with the AC blowing on my face. I needed to find something to get back the feeling I had before the accident. So I tried every kind of natural stuff I could find because I never did like taking pharmaceutical drugs. I tried most of the stuff on the market today. Noni juice, Goji Juice, you name it but none of them helped. The finally I found something that amazes me too this day. I sleep better, I fell energized when I wake up and have unlimited natural energy all day. Now the heat and humidity doesn’t bother me, like it did before the accident.
I was so amazed with this stuff I gave it to most people I know and my family. I figured it could help them if helped me. Needless to say they all take it daily and it has helped them with many different ailments they suffered from. One takes it for controlling his cholesterol and high pressure. Another because it helps relieve the pain she has from her arthritis, another person takes it for his acid reflux and my aunt takes for her IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which is the only thing that has helped her in 4 years. I have never seen one product positively affect the health of so many people. And they thank me every time I see them, what more could you ask for, than being able to help people you care about be healthier. All I can say id try it, and see for yourself. What do you have to loose but better health. You can always go back to your prescriptions you get from your doctor. But what if, what if, it is something that can truly change your health for the better. Poga Moonga Juice “Its Just Your Health”
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Poga Moonga Juice, The FDA, The Drug Companies, The Doctors and The TRUTH!
Is there really a natural way to maintain your health? Can you truly be healthy without using pharmaceutical drug? Do you think the FDA and the drug companies actually care about your health? Well, the truth is the FDA and drug companies don’t really care about your health. The drug companies are all about the money. It’s pretty hard to believe they can catch a criminal that sneezed in the room where he murdered a woman but they can’t make one drug that really cures anything and doesn’t include those free, at no extra charge to you, side effects, which are usually worst than what your taking the drug for in the first place.
The truth is we are all just a bunch of sheep and lab rats. They want us hooked on their crap, for the rest of our lives because it’s a good investment for their stockholders. And they don’t want us healthy because without sick people they have no customers. The drug companies are so powerful, they tell the FDA and the doctors that their drugs are what we need to take. The FDA is like the crooked police for the drug companies and are as competent as they come. How many people have to die because they approve crap only to find out it kills people and then they recall it? How many things are they say, are “not healthy” to take only to change their minds and tell us the complete opposite 5 years later? They say, if the FDA doesn’t approve it, it’s not safe to take. My personal opinion, just do the opposite of what they tell you and you’ll be healthier.
Then there’s the doctors. Doctors spend years going to school doctors and most of them truly want to help people. They can’t help the schools are usually funded by the drug companies and that they are not taught how to cure anything just how to diagnose illnesses and conditions and prescribe drug company junk. I remember the doctor telling me, my girlfriend would never get pregnant, which was great because when I was young I really didn’t want children. And then she turned into a baby-making machine. How would you like this guy doing the brakes on your car? Don’t worry about that steep hill going home, you’re brakes are fine.
If you ask your doctor about natural supplements, he might say there good to take but he will never prescribe them to you on their own and the FDA will never approve anything natural because the drug company can’t make money from it. Here’s why natural products are much more effective. Natural products, like plants, have almost the same DNA make-up as a human does. That is why they are so effective and easily absorbed into your body. Unlike synthetic products, which are completely different from our body’s chemistry, they need to be broken down in order to get any benefits from taking them.
The problem is the body needs to use it’s own vitamins and minerals to break this garbage down and try to absorb anything possibly beneficial. What you do get from these artificially made drugs, will not even replace what you’re body has used to break them down. It’s like a magic show and the drug companies are the incompetent magicians. Take this magic pill it watch your ailment disappear. Oh, sorry wrong trick, you still have the ailment but I gave you a few side effects free of charge.
So trying not to end up another drug company rat, until I die, I have tried all most every natural product that has come out over the last 5 years and have had good results with most of them. Especially compared to anything synthetic. But, each one was good for some things but lacked in other areas. I could not find the right combination that made it a complete supplement. Some were great antioxidants, which are great for blood pressure, cholesterol, preventing heart attacks and strokes. Some were good for building up your immune system. The older you get the easier it is to be devastated by illnesses. If you keep your immune system strong, it will keep you healthier. Some gave me energy, so I didn’t have that run down feeling all the time. But not one of them had all the qualities I was looking for in an over-all supplement.
It took 5 years for me to find one that is a complete supplement. It is called “poga moonga juice”. It has antioxidants from pomegranate juice, it has antibiotic and immune system building properties from aloe vera and it has probably the most amazing over-all natural supplement ever, Moringa. Moringa has been used for centuries but is little know by western science. It is the only plant (tree) that contains the “essential amino acids” we need but our body does not make. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They repair and build new muscle and make new cells. Moringa has an over abundance of many vitamins and minerals and is given to mothers and babies in 3rd world countries supply them with all the nutrients they need. It has been used to treat over 300 different diseases and is also used in 3rd world countries to purify and detoxify their water. Just imagine how effective it is at detoxifying your body.
I’ve seen with my own eyes and experienced the power of Poga Moonga Juice, a true complete natural supplement. It has truly changed my health. I sleep sounder, no more acid reflux, lower high blood pressure, cholesterol under control, not as moody, unlimited natural energy (no more energy drinks) and just feel all around healthier. It has had very positive results for others I have introduced to it. My father is 70 years old and was taking pills for his stomach problems, which were costing him $6.00 a pill. He doesn’t take them now and he can eat chili and drink orange juice for the first time in years. My fiancée was hospitalized twice last year for breathing and asthma problems. She was using a machine several times a day that made a mist for her to breath. She hasn’t used the machine for 2 months now.
My mother is 68 years old. She woke up one morning with extreme pain in her arm only op find out she had chicken pocks. The doctor said she always had it and it came out because her immune system was low. She couldn’t sleep and had endless pain in her arm. He said it could take up to 8 months before it went away. But 3 weeks after trying Poga Moonga Juice, she was sleeping better and the pain was reduced dramatically. But the most amazing benefits I saw were with my aunt.
She is 65 years old. She has been suffering with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for 4 years since she had an operation. Amazing she had an operation for one thing and ended up wit IBS as result. She could not eat anything but crackers and drink water. I convinced her to try this because everything the doctors gave her never worked. Amazingly after 2 weeks, she was able to eat a normal meal and even have a cup of coffee, without the pain and and the problems she was suffering with for 4 years.
I’m not saying that poga moonga juice is the cure for everything. All I’m saying is I have never witnessed so many people, with so many different ailments find relief that they could not get taking pharmaceutical drugs. Just like me, just like them, what do you have to loose? If this is all bull crap and it doesn’t make you healthy, then continue taking the drugs you take now. But what if, what if, it could truly change your health for the better? What if you could, take back control of your health from the drug company’s and put it in the hands of someone who really cares about their health, you? Poga Moonga Juice “It’s Just your Health”
The truth is we are all just a bunch of sheep and lab rats. They want us hooked on their crap, for the rest of our lives because it’s a good investment for their stockholders. And they don’t want us healthy because without sick people they have no customers. The drug companies are so powerful, they tell the FDA and the doctors that their drugs are what we need to take. The FDA is like the crooked police for the drug companies and are as competent as they come. How many people have to die because they approve crap only to find out it kills people and then they recall it? How many things are they say, are “not healthy” to take only to change their minds and tell us the complete opposite 5 years later? They say, if the FDA doesn’t approve it, it’s not safe to take. My personal opinion, just do the opposite of what they tell you and you’ll be healthier.
Then there’s the doctors. Doctors spend years going to school doctors and most of them truly want to help people. They can’t help the schools are usually funded by the drug companies and that they are not taught how to cure anything just how to diagnose illnesses and conditions and prescribe drug company junk. I remember the doctor telling me, my girlfriend would never get pregnant, which was great because when I was young I really didn’t want children. And then she turned into a baby-making machine. How would you like this guy doing the brakes on your car? Don’t worry about that steep hill going home, you’re brakes are fine.
If you ask your doctor about natural supplements, he might say there good to take but he will never prescribe them to you on their own and the FDA will never approve anything natural because the drug company can’t make money from it. Here’s why natural products are much more effective. Natural products, like plants, have almost the same DNA make-up as a human does. That is why they are so effective and easily absorbed into your body. Unlike synthetic products, which are completely different from our body’s chemistry, they need to be broken down in order to get any benefits from taking them.
The problem is the body needs to use it’s own vitamins and minerals to break this garbage down and try to absorb anything possibly beneficial. What you do get from these artificially made drugs, will not even replace what you’re body has used to break them down. It’s like a magic show and the drug companies are the incompetent magicians. Take this magic pill it watch your ailment disappear. Oh, sorry wrong trick, you still have the ailment but I gave you a few side effects free of charge.
So trying not to end up another drug company rat, until I die, I have tried all most every natural product that has come out over the last 5 years and have had good results with most of them. Especially compared to anything synthetic. But, each one was good for some things but lacked in other areas. I could not find the right combination that made it a complete supplement. Some were great antioxidants, which are great for blood pressure, cholesterol, preventing heart attacks and strokes. Some were good for building up your immune system. The older you get the easier it is to be devastated by illnesses. If you keep your immune system strong, it will keep you healthier. Some gave me energy, so I didn’t have that run down feeling all the time. But not one of them had all the qualities I was looking for in an over-all supplement.
It took 5 years for me to find one that is a complete supplement. It is called “poga moonga juice”. It has antioxidants from pomegranate juice, it has antibiotic and immune system building properties from aloe vera and it has probably the most amazing over-all natural supplement ever, Moringa. Moringa has been used for centuries but is little know by western science. It is the only plant (tree) that contains the “essential amino acids” we need but our body does not make. Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They repair and build new muscle and make new cells. Moringa has an over abundance of many vitamins and minerals and is given to mothers and babies in 3rd world countries supply them with all the nutrients they need. It has been used to treat over 300 different diseases and is also used in 3rd world countries to purify and detoxify their water. Just imagine how effective it is at detoxifying your body.
I’ve seen with my own eyes and experienced the power of Poga Moonga Juice, a true complete natural supplement. It has truly changed my health. I sleep sounder, no more acid reflux, lower high blood pressure, cholesterol under control, not as moody, unlimited natural energy (no more energy drinks) and just feel all around healthier. It has had very positive results for others I have introduced to it. My father is 70 years old and was taking pills for his stomach problems, which were costing him $6.00 a pill. He doesn’t take them now and he can eat chili and drink orange juice for the first time in years. My fiancée was hospitalized twice last year for breathing and asthma problems. She was using a machine several times a day that made a mist for her to breath. She hasn’t used the machine for 2 months now.
My mother is 68 years old. She woke up one morning with extreme pain in her arm only op find out she had chicken pocks. The doctor said she always had it and it came out because her immune system was low. She couldn’t sleep and had endless pain in her arm. He said it could take up to 8 months before it went away. But 3 weeks after trying Poga Moonga Juice, she was sleeping better and the pain was reduced dramatically. But the most amazing benefits I saw were with my aunt.
She is 65 years old. She has been suffering with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for 4 years since she had an operation. Amazing she had an operation for one thing and ended up wit IBS as result. She could not eat anything but crackers and drink water. I convinced her to try this because everything the doctors gave her never worked. Amazingly after 2 weeks, she was able to eat a normal meal and even have a cup of coffee, without the pain and and the problems she was suffering with for 4 years.
I’m not saying that poga moonga juice is the cure for everything. All I’m saying is I have never witnessed so many people, with so many different ailments find relief that they could not get taking pharmaceutical drugs. Just like me, just like them, what do you have to loose? If this is all bull crap and it doesn’t make you healthy, then continue taking the drugs you take now. But what if, what if, it could truly change your health for the better? What if you could, take back control of your health from the drug company’s and put it in the hands of someone who really cares about their health, you? Poga Moonga Juice “It’s Just your Health”
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
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